
Install Python

I highly recommend using the latest version of Python, which at the time of writing is 3.11. Anything 3.10 or higher should suffice, but the latest version is recommended.

If you’ve already got Python 3.10 or higher, then you just need to find out whether you use python, python3, or python3.X (where X is a number) in Terminal (use python -V to check). We’ll need that for later.

johndoe@mac-name ~ % python3 -V

If you don’t already have Python 3.10 or newer, download the latest release from Make sure to download the macOS installer, and then just run it.

Follow all of the instructions and at the end, run Install Certificates.command and Update Shell Profile.command (available in /Applications/Python 3.11 if it doesn’t show up automatically).

Then open Terminal from Spotlight Search and check that python3 -V says the version that you just installed.

Get the lintrans source code

Go to the release page on GitHub. Download the source code zip file. macOS should unzip the file for you, so open Terminal from Spotlight Search and cd in the new folder:

johndoe@mac-name ~ % cd ~/Downloads/lintrans-0.4.1

Compile the program

Using whichever version of Python is the latest version for you, run the following commands to install all the dependencies and compile lintrans.

johndoe@mac-name lintrans-0.4.1 % python3 -m venv venv
johndoe@mac-name lintrans-0.4.1 % ./venv/bin/pip install -e .[compile]
Obtaining file:///Users/johndoe/Downloads/lintrans-0.4.1
  Installing build dependencies ...
johndoe@mac-name lintrans-0.4.1 % ./venv/bin/python
Created Compiler(filename=lintrans, version_name=0.4.1, platform=darwin)
Compiling for platform=darwin

If this is your first time doing something like this, then you might need to install the macOS developer tools. Just agree to the legal stuff and wait for it to install. It might take a while. Then run the compile command again.

You should now have an app file called lintrans in the current folder. I would recommend moving this file, either to your desktop or some other folder where you keep small programs, and then you can delete the lintrans-0.4.1 folder from your Downloads folder.

Thank you for installing lintrans! If you had any issues with the installation or have any questions about the app, don’t hesitate to report a bug or email me directly at .