
Install Python

I highly recommend using the latest version of Python, which at the time of writing is 3.11. Anything 3.10 or higher should suffice, but the latest version is recommended.

If you’ve already got Python 3.10 or higher, then you just need to find out whether you use python, python3, or python3.X (where X is a number) in PowerShell (use python -V to check). We’ll need that for later.

PS C:\Users\johndoe> python -V

If you don’t already have Python 3.10 or newer, download the latest release from

Make sure to download the installer. You’ll probably want the 64-bit one (if you’ve got Program Files and Program Files (x86) folders), but if you’re using a 32-bit machine, then download the 32-bit installer.

In the installer, check the box that says “Add Python 3.X to PATH”, and then click “Install now” to install Python in C:\Users\<username>\...

Now open PowerShell from the start menu and run python -V to check that it says whichever version you installed.

Get the lintrans source code

Go to the release page on GitHub and download the source code zip file. Unzip the file by just right-clicking it in your Downloads folder and clicking “Extract All…”, and keep the default name. Then run the following commands.

PS C:\Users\johndoe> cd ~\Downloads
PS C:\Users\johndoe\Downloads> cd .\lintrans-0.4.1\lintrans-0.4.1
PS C:\Users\johndoe\Downloads\lintrans-0.4.1\lintrans-0.4.1>

Compile the program

Using whichever version of Python is the latest version for you, run the following commands to install all the dependencies and compile lintrans.

PS C:\Users\johndoe\...\lintrans-0.4.1> python -m venv venv
PS C:\Users\johndoe\...\lintrans-0.4.1> .\venv\Scripts\pip.exe install -e .[compile]
Obtaining file:///C:/Users/johndoe/Downloads/lintrans-0.4.1/lintrans-0.4.1
  Installing build dependencies ...
PS C:\Users\johndoe\...\lintrans-0.4.1> .\venv\Scripts\python.exe
Created Compiler(filename=lintrans, version_name=0.4.1, platform=win32)
Compiling for platform=win32

You should now have an exe file called lintrans in the current folder and you can either keep it somewhere, or use it to create the installer to install lintrans properly. If you choose to keep the standalone exe, then you can delete the lintrans-0.4.1 folder from your Downloads folder.

Install lintrans (optional)

The lintrans installer for Windows is automatically generated using a program called NSIS. You first need to install version 3 or above from here.

Then you need to move the lintrans.exe file into the installers folder. Right click on the Windows.nsi file and select “Compile NSIS Script”.

Wait for the compilation to complete and then run install-lintrans-Windows.exe. Once lintrans is installed, you can delete the lintrans-0.4.1 folder from your Downloads folder.

Thank you for installing lintrans! If you had any issues with the installation or have any questions about the app, don’t hesitate to report a bug or email me directly at .