Configuring global settings

lintrans has a few global settings which persist between sessions. These settings include things like the size of the draggable circle around vector tips, as well as whether to snap vectors to integer coordinates when dragging them.

When you go to File > Settings, you will be presented with this menu:

The global settings menu

If you hover over any of the options, you’ll get a tooltip explaining what the option does. If you click the Reset to defaults button, then it will reset the settings back to these defaults.


When using lintrans on a laptop, for example, it can be difficult to be precise with the trackpad. These settings allow you to edit the distances needed to drag vectors, or snap them to integer coordinates.


lintrans supports the ability to be installed on Windows and Linux. When installed as a proper application using the appropriate installer, lintrans can automatically update itself in the background when it detects a new version is available.

The way in which it updates itself can be configured here. It can be silent and automatic, prompt you whenever an update is detected, or it can never update itself.